UWS students survey

As artists and arts lovers we know the immense value creating and enjoying art can have on enhancing mental health and wellbeing.

Now five medical students from the University of Western Sydney are conducting a survey on this topic with a focus on how people are coping during Covid-19 restrictions.They are in Lismore as part of their fourth year of study which includes carrying out some community research.

Students Ruban Sivakumar, Rory Sinclair, Jeyvin Nandakumaran, Tushar Vashisht and Sanju Sonnadara created the online survey especially for people living in Northern NSW.

The research topic was developed with the help of Dr Andrew Binns and Dr Tien Khoo. The aim of the project is to gauge what effect Covid restrictions are having on wellbeing, but the study will also provide an evidence base for arts organisations to use when applying for funding.

Both consumers and creators of the arts living in Northern NSW are invited to take part in the survey. The more participants in the study, the more valuable the findings, so please encourage those in your arts circles to take part.

Research lead Dr Natalie Edmiston said the research had a twofold role.

“As well as gathering evidence on the connection between the arts and mental health and wellbeing, it reminds people to look to the arts for support with their own wellbeing during these challenging times; particularly if they are struggling.”

The survey can be found here:
