University Centre for Rural Health Pharmacist Academic Lindy Swain has joined the board of the National Rural Health Alliance.
University Centre for Rural Health Pharmacist Academic Lindy Swain has joined the board of the National Rural Health Alliance.

 The Northern Rivers-based University Centre for Rural Health (UCRH) is celebrating the appointment of a second member of its staff to the board of the National Rural Health Alliance (NRHA), Australia’s peak non-government organisation for rural and remote health.

At its recent AGM the 37 organisations that make up the NRHA elected a new Executive for the coming twelve months. The Board Members now include UCRH Pharmacist Academic Lindy Swain who joins the UCRH Director, Professor Lesley Barclay AM, the Alliance’s Deputy Chairperson.

“The appointment of Lindy Swain to the Board of the National Rural Health Alliance is a well deserved recognition of the knowledge base and experience she will bring to this important organisation,” Professor Barclay said.

“It is also a strong endorsement of the work that UCRH’s educational and research staff are doing in the field of rural and remote health. For us to have two people on the Board of such an active and high-level body is a real vote of confidence in the talent base here in the Northern Rivers.”

Ms Swain’s academic involvements have included supervising pharmacy students undertaking Aboriginal health and medication tutorials, pharmacy assistant placements for local Aboriginal students at TAFE, and coordinating multidisciplinary placements for pharmacy undergraduates in various clinical settings, including pain clinics, mental health and renal services, and Lismore Base Hospital.

The National Rural Health Alliance is committed to the belief that, wherever they live, all Australians should have the opportunity for equal health outcomes, and equivalent access to comprehensive, high-quality and appropriate