Despite getting well-known local comedian Mandy Nolan to MC the event, an upcoming forum on falls prevention will stress that experiencing a fall, and the lengthy rehabilitation that often follows, is no laughing matter.

One in three people older than 65 have a fall each year, according to Northern NSW Local Health District Falls Prevention Coordinator, Julia Dayhew, who said that up to one-fifth of these people experience multiple falls.

No other single cause of injury, including road trauma, costs the health system more than falls,” she added.

An important local response will be the Northern NSW Falls Prevention Forum at Southern Cross University on Thursday 8 October from 9.00am to 3.00pm, with around 150 health workers and service providers, both private and public, already registered to attend.

The day will feature education and discussion of the latest research and initiatives on Falls Prevention, as well as providing excellent networking opportunities.

Topics will include: exercise for falls prevention; confusion and falls; fear of falling; research updates from Neuroscience Research Australia (NEURA); and an expert panel discussion.

Ms Dayhew said a highlight of the day would be an interview with a community member regarding his personal recovery from a fall, including the role exercise and Tai Chi had played in maintaining his wellbeing and independence.

It’s important for people to understand that falls can be prevented and staying physically active is the single most important thing we can do to stay on our feet, be fit and independent,” she said.

It is also important to include strength and balance exercise in your daily routine.”

Community Health Education Groups (CHEGS) Inc. has been offering a range of gentle exercise classes and falls prevention programs in the Northern Rivers for decades. Current groups include Gentle Exercise, Tai Chi and Qigong, and the free, eight-week falls prevention program, Stepping On.

For more information on classes offered visit CHEGS or contact Mary Ward 6620 7523.

For further information on the forum, contact Ms Julia Dayhew on phone 6620 7262.

Registrations for the NNSW Falls Prevention Forum close on 1 October, 2015.