Bernadette Loughnane, executive director NNSWLHD Tweed-Byron health service group, Sam Sangster chief executive Health Infrastructure NSW, Chris Crawford LHD chief executive, Chris Gulaptis, NSW parliamentary secretary for the north coast, NSW health minister Jillian Skinner, and Dr Brian Pezzutti, chair LHD board.

NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner, accompanied by the Parliamentary Secretary for the North Coast, Chris Gulaptis, and representatives from NNSW LHD and Health Infrastructure NSW visited the Byron Central Hospital (BCH) construction site on 29 September to mark the ‘lock-up’ stage of the purpose-built $88M facility.

Mrs Skinner inspected the three main buildings on the 6ha site at Ewingsdale, calling the lock-up a significant milestone, which represented the point at which the buildings are fitted with all exterior doors and windows.



The circular cut-out will soon be filled by an ocean-themed stained glass window relocated from Byron District Hospital. The space will be fitted out as a meditative multifaith space for patients, visitors and staff. Pictured: Sam Sanster, Health infrastructure CE, Dr Brian Pezzutti, NNSWLHD board chair, NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner, and Brookfield Multiplex project manager Stuart Clark.


These buildings accommodate the emergency department and in-patient rooms, the maternity unit, community health, and the mental health unit.

Associated works starting in early October will include a roundabout on Ewingsdale Road enabling easy and safe access to the main hospital entrance that will also be constructed soon.

On-site parking for visitors and staff will include 195 car spaces, 28 bicycle spaces, and 16 motorcycle spaces.

When open in mid-2016, the hospital will replace the smaller district hospitals in Byron Bay and Mullumbimby, offering an expanded range of services at a higher level.

These include 24-hour emergency attention; overnight inpatient beds; enhanced X-ray and medical imaging, including CT scanner; dental service, satellite chemotherapy, and ambulatory care; an inpatient non-acute mental health unit; low-risk maternity services.

This new hospital is a wonderful asset for Byron Shire’s busy and growing community,” Minister Skinner added.

Byron Central Hospital has progressed very well since construction began in late 2014. Construction is on schedule for completion early next year, and the entire team of project managers is to be congratulated for their hard work.”