Dr David Glendinning
Dr David Glendinning

David Glendinning is an advanced trainee studying for his fellowship in general practice. When he is not studying he suffers déjà vu with his friends and family.

“Hi mate, haven’t seen you for a while,” says David’s mate.

“Yeah, sorry mate, I’ve been studying.”

“Studying? What I thought you were all done?”

“Not quite. I’ve been studying for my Fellowship.”

“Oh yeah, what uni is that course through?”

“No, it’s not through a uni, it’s through my College”.

“College? But I thought you had already done a uni degree. Why are you studying at a College?”

“It’s the final exams for my speciality training. I’ll then be accredited as a specialist through my College.”

“But I thought you were already a doctor”.

“I am.”

“Oh yeah. So, you’re just studying full time now?”

“No, not quite. I’m working at least 40-50hrs per week as a Doctor In Training, then doing a few extra shifts each month at a smaller hospital as a locum. Then every other moment I have, I’m studying. 

“I have study group once to twice per week and have paid several thousand dollars to sign up for an online exam prep course. On top of that I’ve paid several more thousand dollars for the privilege of sitting the written exams. If I pass those then a few months later, I’ll be able to pay even more thousands of dollars to sit the oral or practical exam. If I pass all that, then I’ll get my Fellowship”.

“Wow. Sounds full on. Well I have a practical case here to help with your study. Can you have a look at this rash for me?”